Hvilke faktorer fremmer læring?

Thomas Nordahl, professor og leder av Senter for praksisrettet utdanningsforskning ved Høgskolen i Hedmark.

Thomas Nordahl er en kjent skoleforskere i Norge. Han er kritisert for å bruke John Hatties forskningsresultater på en ureflektert måte.

Når vi ser på hvilke faktorer Thomas Nordahl mener skal til for å gi elevene gode skoler og god læring, syns jeg at kritikken er ufortjent. Selvfølgelig er vi enig i dette:

Venner er viktigere en skolen
Et ungt menneske som ikke har venner og kanskje blir trakassert, krenket eller mobbet har også dårlige muligheter for å være en god elev.
Voksne lærere
For å få til god undervisning må læreren være en god leder. Som lærer kan du ikke være ungdom når du står foran klassen. Dette er noe mange lærerstudenter sliter med. Voksenrollen er viktig og elevene ønsker seg lærere som er voksne. Det skal, i føge Nordahl, være et grunnleggende asymmetrisk forhold mellom lærer og elev. Lærerne må også anstrenge seg for å være mer proaktive enn reaktive. De må si fra på forhånd, framfor å kjefte etterpå.
God struktur på skolen
Skolen må ha tydelige normer og regler. Strukturen er viktig og det må finnes rutiner på plass for å holde skolen ryddig og i god stand.
Foreldre som snakker positivt om skolen
Dersom foreldrene snakker bra om skolen, så synes elevene at skolen er bra. Opplever elevene at det snakkes mye negativt om skolen eller lærerne får elevene sannsynligvis også et negativ forhold til skolen og lærerne.
Fedre som engasjerer seg i skolen
– «Forskning vi har gjort viser at det ikke er bra for gutter at fedrene deres engasjerer seg så lite skolen», forteller Nordahl. Han foreslå at lærerne gjør som man gjorde før i tida da lærerne tog seg en tur hjem til foreldre som bryr seg lite om elevenes skoleresultater, og slå av en prat med dem.
Elevene jobber på skolen
Elevenes eget arbeid på skolen er det aller viktigste for god læring.
Økt læringstrykk på skolen
Lærere bidrar til dette gjennom å være tydelige, forvente mye, gi tilbakemeldinger og vise oppmerksomhet. Foreldre kan også bidra til dette. Læringstrykk handler også om tolaranse. Det er en god ting å prøve og feile.
Lærerne bruker de pedagogiske metodene som virker best
Det som later til å fungere, konstaterer Thomas Nordahl, er at lærere samarbeider om å drøfte sin egen praksis ut fra forskningsbasert kunnskap.    – «Godt læringsmiljø og god undervisning handler ikke om å bruke én bestemt metode. Det finnes mange metoder og strategier som har god effekt. Det finnes også noen tilnærminger som har liten effekt på læring».

Thomas Nordahl er professor ved Senter for praksisrettet utdanningsforskning (SEPU) ved Høgskolen i Hedmark. Deler av forskningen det refereres til i denne artikkelen er utført der.

0 kommentarer til «Hvilke faktorer fremmer læring?»

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    Gameplay Wheel of Fortune is a show that’s better suited to game adaptation than some witness the disaster that is Family Feud, although it’s still more unwieldy than something like a traditional quiz show.As you’d expect, the game progresses just like the show, as you spin, buy vowels, guess at the puzzles, and hopefully win thousands of dollars, fabulous prizes, and so forth.The special conditions for late games and the bonus round are also intact as well as the progressively more valuable spaces on the board, and they’re tweaked a little to make them more friendly in the game context.For example, the time limit to guess the answer in the final round is suspended a bit to take into account the fact that you have to type the whole thing in with the little keyboard GUI.The single player game is filled with the inevitable downtime.Miss your turn due to thickheadedness or an unlucky spin and it takes a while to work through the other two players’ turns.It helps to play this game while you have something else to occupy your time with I found it a decent enough distraction in between bouts of real work.In multiplayer games, the interface is smooth, and the game doesn’t waste too much time inflicting Vanna on you.If you’re all alone, though, you can always try the test mode, wherein a la Jeopardy you can take the test given to prospective Wheel contestants, which is fun in an «if only» sort of way.

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    Gameplay Wheel of Fortune is a show that’s better suited to game adaptation than some witness the disaster that is Family Feud, although it’s still more unwieldy than something like a traditional quiz show.As you’d expect, the game progresses just like the show, as you spin, buy vowels, guess at the puzzles, and hopefully win thousands of dollars, fabulous prizes, and so forth.The special conditions for late games and the bonus round are also intact as well as the progressively more valuable spaces on the board, and they’re tweaked a little to make them more friendly in the game context.For example, the time limit to guess the answer in the final round is suspended a bit to take into account the fact that you have to type the whole thing in with the little keyboard GUI.The single player game is filled with the inevitable downtime.Miss your turn due to thickheadedness or an unlucky spin and it takes a while to work through the other two players’ turns.It helps to play this game while you have something else to occupy your time with I found it a decent enough distraction in between bouts of real work.In multiplayer games, the interface is smooth, and the game doesn’t waste too much time inflicting Vanna on you.If you’re all alone, though, you can always try the test mode, wherein a la Jeopardy you can take the test given to prospective Wheel contestants, which is fun in an «if only» sort of way.

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    Gameplay Wheel of Fortune is a show that’s better suited to game adaptation than some witness the disaster that is Family Feud, although it’s still more unwieldy than something like a traditional quiz show.As you’d expect, the game progresses just like the show, as you spin, buy vowels, guess at the puzzles, and hopefully win thousands of dollars, fabulous prizes, and so forth.The special conditions for late games and the bonus round are also intact as well as the progressively more valuable spaces on the board, and they’re tweaked a little to make them more friendly in the game context.For example, the time limit to guess the answer in the final round is suspended a bit to take into account the fact that you have to type the whole thing in with the little keyboard GUI.The single player game is filled with the inevitable downtime.Miss your turn due to thickheadedness or an unlucky spin and it takes a while to work through the other two players’ turns.It helps to play this game while you have something else to occupy your time with I found it a decent enough distraction in between bouts of real work.In multiplayer games, the interface is smooth, and the game doesn’t waste too much time inflicting Vanna on you.If you’re all alone, though, you can always try the test mode, wherein a la Jeopardy you can take the test given to prospective Wheel contestants, which is fun in an «if only» sort of way.

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  4. Mixboora sier:
    Kommentaren din påventer godkjenning. Dette er en forhåndsvisning. Kommentaren blir synlig etter at den har blitt godkjent.


    Gameplay Wheel of Fortune is a show that’s better suited to game adaptation than some witness the disaster that is Family Feud, although it’s still more unwieldy than something like a traditional quiz show.As you’d expect, the game progresses just like the show, as you spin, buy vowels, guess at the puzzles, and hopefully win thousands of dollars, fabulous prizes, and so forth.The special conditions for late games and the bonus round are also intact as well as the progressively more valuable spaces on the board, and they’re tweaked a little to make them more friendly in the game context.For example, the time limit to guess the answer in the final round is suspended a bit to take into account the fact that you have to type the whole thing in with the little keyboard GUI.The single player game is filled with the inevitable downtime.Miss your turn due to thickheadedness or an unlucky spin and it takes a while to work through the other two players’ turns.It helps to play this game while you have something else to occupy your time with I found it a decent enough distraction in between bouts of real work.In multiplayer games, the interface is smooth, and the game doesn’t waste too much time inflicting Vanna on you.If you’re all alone, though, you can always try the test mode, wherein a la Jeopardy you can take the test given to prospective Wheel contestants, which is fun in an «if only» sort of way.

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    Gameplay Wheel of Fortune is a show that’s better suited to game adaptation than some witness the disaster that is Family Feud, although it’s still more unwieldy than something like a traditional quiz show.As you’d expect, the game progresses just like the show, as you spin, buy vowels, guess at the puzzles, and hopefully win thousands of dollars, fabulous prizes, and so forth.The special conditions for late games and the bonus round are also intact as well as the progressively more valuable spaces on the board, and they’re tweaked a little to make them more friendly in the game context.For example, the time limit to guess the answer in the final round is suspended a bit to take into account the fact that you have to type the whole thing in with the little keyboard GUI.The single player game is filled with the inevitable downtime.Miss your turn due to thickheadedness or an unlucky spin and it takes a while to work through the other two players’ turns.It helps to play this game while you have something else to occupy your time with I found it a decent enough distraction in between bouts of real work.In multiplayer games, the interface is smooth, and the game doesn’t waste too much time inflicting Vanna on you.If you’re all alone, though, you can always try the test mode, wherein a la Jeopardy you can take the test given to prospective Wheel contestants, which is fun in an «if only» sort of way.

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